Articles on: Tutorials

Tutorial: How to Add a Plain Text Message to Your Shopify Checkout

Learn how to create simple plain text messages in your checkout and post checkout pages

Learn how to enhance your Shopify checkout experience by adding custom plain text content, perfect for personalized messages or important customer information. This step-by-step tutorial will guide you through the process, making it easy to customize your checkout page without any coding experience.


This tutorial requires you to have knowledge of How to add Checkout Plus extensions in Shopify's Checkout Editor


Step 1

Add the Custom Banner in your checkout in the editor

Custom Banner Extension in Editor

Step 2

Select Plain Text in the Banner Status setting

Plain Text Setting Option

Step 3

In the Banner Message you will need to use this format for links:

{{ link_title:TITLE | link_to: URL }}

Replace the 'TITLE' with what you want to be displayed and the 'URL' with where the hyperlink is to link to.

Note: Be sure to include 'https://' to the URL.

and to link to a telephone number you will need to add tel: before the link_to: section


Example Text

And Just like that you have added a plain text message to your Shopify Checkout or Thank you page. Enjoy and please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Interested in Checkout Plus? Try it for free now

Updated on: 25/08/2024

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